How to Effectively Study from Home during the Covid Pandemic?

Tips for Effective Study from Home During the Covid Pandemic

Coronavirus outbreak has turned our lives around by making us live in a way we never dreamed of.

It has affected everyone in some way or the other, especially the students who are now forced to study from home.

This has forced them to look for tips for effective study from home as they are not able to visit their schools, or colleges, forget about coaching classes.

With the introduction of online classes for everyone, students around the globe are now forced to sit in front of their computers, laptops or study by using smartphones.

No matter how much one tries, classes taken at school cannot be compared with the ones taken online.

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Confused Girl after 12th class

There is always a scope of students not paying attention or playing simultaneously while the class is going on.

Pointing them out is a tough job and cannot be always detected by the teacher.

In such cases, there always lies a scope of students missing out on important parts which a teacher is explaining.

Despite various problems that a student, teacher, or parent might have to face, online classes have still proved as a boon.

This is the only way that the students can resume their studies and the education sector can remain in the working mode.

The absence of online classes would have led to a highly negative effect on the education sector during the ongoing pandemic.

In the coming article, you will get to read about the most common issues which students are facing today while studying from home and how to do effective study.

Wondering how to stay focused while studying from home? Are you looking for study tips? Well then continue reading as you will get answers to all your questions right here.

We are sharing tips for studying from home which will make it easier for you to excel in your subjects by increasing your focus.

FSo, are you ready? Let’s begin!

5 Common Problems Faced by Students at Home

Although there are numerous problems which are being faced by students while studying from home. Here are the main issues that they have been going through, some of these may be overcome by following the tips for effective study.

Inappropriate Internet Connection:

Internet connection may or may not work well in different areas, they are prone to interruption which might affect the online classes of a student.

Therefore, it is important to have a stable internet connection with appropriate bandwidth.

Test Conduction Concerns:

It is tough to conduct exams online compared to those which were taken in schools and colleges.

These exams are generally multiple choice and do not help in ascertaining the correct knowledge of a student.

Therefore, the results which a student receives are based on a simple test and not a thorough examination.

There is a possibility of a student lacking knowledge in a subject that he/she might not know because of these tests.

Increased Cheating Scope:

It is tough to monitor the activity of every student in online classes, this increases the scope of cheating.

Students might cheat to pass not understanding that this might affect them later when they end up facing issues in studies.

Monotonous Study Routine:

Sitting in front of a computer screen alone might become monotonous for students, unlike school and college classes.

This might end up making a student lethargic and uninterested in their subjects.

Therefore, it is important that teachers put in efforts to make the classes interesting and students equally participate.

Security and Privacy:

The online classes are conducted using free platforms such as ZOOM and Google Classrooms which are not the safest means.

There is always a scope of concern related to data security and privacy.

12 Tips for Effective Study at Home

While some might love studying from home, for others it might not be the case.

Those who are fond of going to school and attending classes might find it tough sitting in one place and studying with eyes stuck to the computer screen.

However, seeing the present scenario, attending online classes is the only way to study.

The best way to make the most of it is by practicing the following tips for studying from home.

These tips for the effective study will help you in remaining updated regarding your syllabus so that when the time for assessment arrives, you are all set to perform well.

Discipline Yourself:

The classes you are going to attend are for your benefit, right? If you take your classes lightly it will harm you more than anyone else. You need to understand that these classes are being conducted for your bright future.

You must discipline yourself and dedicate time to the classes with full focus.

Having a disciplined lifestyle will not only reduce your stress but you will start enjoying your studies much more than ever before.

Ask Questions:

Every time you are studying in a class or while self-studying, there is a possibility that you might not understand a particular point.

There are chances that you have a doubt or you come across a point of view which you might want to discuss with your teacher.

In such cases, always ask questions and put forward your point without any hesitation.

This will help you in clearing your doubt and gaining confidence in the subject.

Asking questions will further expand your knowledge base and help you in excelling in the subject.

Get Rid of Distractions:

When you are at home, there are numerous things which might distract you from your studies.

For instance, you might want to play with a toy that you can see while your online class is going on.

Further, you might even want to skip your class and play with your sibling.

Don’t get distracted by these things, ensure that when the classes are going on, you only focus on studies and nothing else.

Play at some other time instead so that you don’t get allured when the classes are going on.

Ensure that your study’s place is clean and tidy with all the basic requirements that you might be required during the class.

This will save your time as you won’t have to get up again and again to get the stuff, this makes it is one of the ways to focus on studying.

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Listen to Your Teacher:

Your teacher is here to teach you, ensure that you listen to what she has to say.

This will help you in understanding the lesson in a much better way. If at any point you find yourself confused, clear your doubt then and thereby asking him/her about the same.

If you skip an important point while you are in class, the coming lesson might seem tough for you to understand.

This might further complicate things and make the subject seem uninteresting.

Therefore, listen carefully to what your teacher has to teach while the class is going on.

Participate in Online Activities:

Normal online classes may be tough for you, a teacher understands that fact and might try bringing in some activities to make learning interesting.

In such a scenario, make sure that you participate in such activities with full enthusiasm as these are being conducted to help you out with your lessons.

The innovative and interactive activities that are conducted by a teacher are a great way to help you remain active throughout the class.

Your participation is a must as this will make learning easy and fun for you.

Avoid Taking Unnecessary Breaks:

Just because you have the convenience to study from home doesn’t mean that you are allowed to take as many breaks as you want.

If you have been wondering how to study at home then keep all the required material with you which you might need during the class.

Taking a break will not only affect your learning flow by breaking it but will also add a chance to skip something important.

Set your schedule according to the timetable, have your food, and keep a water bottle aside so that you may drink water without getting up for the same.

Set Your Goals:

Being attentive and learning well online is not enough, you need to put in extra efforts by practicing what you have learned.

For this, you will have to set a goal so that you are ready for it when the time for assessment or exam comes.

Ensure that you read your lessons and solve as many questions as you can to make things thorough.

Allot time to each subject as per your learning speed in it, for example, if you find a particular subject tough, then allot more hours to it than the subjects that are easy for you.

Setting a goal will keep you busy and help you in maintaining track of where you stand.

Practice Well:

Once your class is over, take a break, sit back again and start practicing what you have been taught.

Since your current class will be fresh in your mind, practicing it will only strengthen the concepts and help you in grasping them well.

Try to solve some questions, puzzles, and quizzes related to what you have just learned.

It will not only be fun for you but will also fill you with confidence and encourage you to learn further.

Try to frame different questions that might come in your assessment and speak the answers in your own words instead of grasping them.

Understand and learn the concept as this will help you in remembering what you study.

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Revise Your Lessons:

Attending classes and learning a new concept, in the beginning, revising it is what strengthens its roots in your brain.

Try connecting a particular concept that you have just learned with day-to-day life.

See, how it works in real life, this will not only make the subject seem exciting but will also help you in understanding the concept better.

Over some time, we tend to forget what we have learned, revision helps in retaining it for a longer time.

Since the exams occur much after you learn your subjects, you must keep revising them so that you remember the concept.

This will help you out even when you forget the sequence of your answer as you will be able to frame the answer in your own words.

Ask Parents for Help:

If you get stuck somewhere in your studies and seek help, ask your parents without any hesitation.

If you are having trouble with a particular subject, bring this to their notice and let them help you out in the best manner they can.

Ask them to help you in revision by framing and asking random questions from your syllabus, this will help build confidence in you at the same time making it fun.

Let them set a question paper for you and check it.

Set a Time Table:

Setting a timetable is important especially when you are studying from home.

You will need to take the home activities into account while setting it.

Make sure that it is in sync and well-coordinated so that at the time of your study, there is no distraction.

A timetable will help you in keeping the study time, playtime, food time, and sleep time balance in balance which is very important in student life.

It will help you in maintaining harmony between these four important activities without harming any of them.

Eat, Sleep, and Exercise:

To live, you need energy and for that, you must take in all the essential nutrients to remain fit.

It is very important that you eat well and in required portions throughout the day.

Also, keep yourself hydrated especially in the summer season as this will help you in keeping your brain active.

Your playtime must also include some exercises which will help you in keeping your body active and fit.

These exercises may also be done by playing a sport such as a badminton or running/jogging/skipping rope.

Lastly, you must sleep well as this will help your brain in retaining all that you have learned throughout the day.


Hope you have thoroughly gone through all the tips for effective study which will surely help you in excelling in your subjects.

In these trying times, the best way to decrease your study loss is by following these ways to focus on studying along with the special study tips mentioned above. Hope you now no more have to search for answers to questions such as how to study at home, how to do effective study, and how to stay focused while studying now!

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