I am confused about my career after 10th: Career Guide

I Am Confused About My Career After 10th career guide

Confused what do after the 10th? Which subject to opt for, and which stream aligns with your ideas and mindsets? 

In the last few months, many students have searched on Google” i am confused about my career after 10th” and ” What to do after 10th?” “Which field i should choose for a bright future after 10th?”

So here we will answer all your questions.

I Don’t Know What to do? I Am Confused About My Career After 10th

Being confused about which career option to opt for after completing your 10th grade is very normal, and don’t let your 15 or 16-year-old mind stress out so much! 

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Confused Girl after 12th class

Moreover, not only you, but most of the students around will be feeling uncertain about their careers right now! So, first of all, take a deep breath and relax, as with experts by your side, this is not as big of a deal as you’re assuming! 

Making a career choice after 10th is not merely about picking between science, commerce, or arts streams; it’s about identifying the subjects that bring you joy, acknowledging your strengths, and discovering a career that aligns with your talents.

To assist you with the best and well-informed decisions, experts at IIS University can help you. IIS University is one of the renowned universities in Jaipur, India, and offers a list of undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

IIS University provides a list of courses that meet digital age requirements, allowing students in 10th and 12th to easily grab newly open and rewarding opportunities.

Moreover, expert professors and career counselors at the university also assist 10th pass students, or the students who are pursuing class 10th in deciding the best career options according to their interests and preferences! 

For those who are confused about how to proceed with your career after the 10th, get into the details in this blog below to know more! 

5 Steps to Choose a Career Option After 10th

i am confused about my career after 10th
best career options after 10th
career options after 10th

#Step 1 – Understanding the Confusion you have

You may be getting career advice from many people – parents, teachers, friends, internet, TV. With so many opinions, it can get confusing!

There are also so many job options, making it hard to decide. Being unsure is fine at this stage, as your young mind is still exploring abut your talents and interests. 

  • Know What Interests You: What hobbies do you enjoy – math, writing, painting? It gives hints about future jobs you may like.
  • Understand Strengths and Weaknesses: What are the subjects and skills you are good at? What do you find difficult? Being honest will help choose a career that suits your abilities.
  • Use Career Tests: There are fun quizzes online that can help you understand more about yourself and match you with jobs that might be a good fit. Opt for the free career tests first to find out how the format works! 

#Step 2- Exploring Career Options

When it comes to exploring various career paths after 10th grade, understanding your options is key. Each stream—Science, Commerce, Arts/Humanities, and Vocational Courses—presents a unique option, tailored to different interests and strengths.

  • Science: If you’re into physics, chemistry, maths, or biology, science can lead you to engineering, medicine, or scientific research careers.
  • Commerce: If business, economics, or finance fascinates you, this path opens doors to corporate jobs, entrepreneurship, or becoming a chartered accountant.
  • Arts/Humanities: If you love history, psychology, literature, or arts, this stream offers routes to journalism, teaching, social work, and more creative careers.
  • Vocational Courses: These are skill-based courses perfect for those interested in specific trades like cooking, design, or IT. They give you hands-on training for jobs like chefs, graphic designers, or IT experts.

Emerging Career Paths

The world is rapidly evolving, and so are career options. Here are a few modern careers that have gained popularity:

  • Digital Marketing: 

This field revolves around promoting and advertising products, services, or brands through digital channels like social media, websites, emails, and search engines.

It requires a blend of creativity and analytical skills to create engaging content, understand consumer behaviour, and use data-driven insights to improve marketing strategies.

Professionals in digital marketing manage campaigns, analyse trends, and aim to increase brand visibility and sales in the digital space.

  • Data Science: 

Data science involves extracting insights and knowledge from large sets of complex data. Professionals in this field use statistical methods, programming skills, and domain expertise to analyse data, identify patterns, and generate valuable insights.

These insights help businesses make informed decisions, predict trends, and enhance operational efficiency. Data scientists work across various industries, using data to solve problems and drive innovation.

  • Environmental Science: 

This career path focuses on studying the environment, ecosystems, and natural resources. Environmental scientists are the professionals who opt for a career in environmental science, and their role is to conduct research on environmental issues including pollution, climate change, biodiversity loss and others.

They develop solutions to preserve and protect the environment, promoting sustainability and conversation efforts. 

Professionals in this field might work in government agencies, research institutions, or environmental organizations to address pressing global challenges related to the environment.

Each of these fields offers diverse opportunities and requires a unique skill set and passion. Exploring these career paths can help individuals align their interests with a rewarding and impactful career.

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#Step 3 –  Take Guidance From Bests

Career Counsellors:

Think of career counselors as your personal guides for choosing the right career. They’re trained to understand your strengths, interests, and skills. Based on this, they suggest career options that match you best. They’ll create tailored plans just for you, considering what makes you unique.

Advice from People You Know:

  • Teachers and School Counsellors: Your teachers and school counselors know a lot about different careers. They can guide you based on your strengths and what you enjoy.
  • Family and Friends: Talk to family members with various careers. They can share their career journeys and give you valuable insights. Also, older friends or students might have experiences that can help you.

Exploring Resources:

There are many online tools and local resources that discuss different career options. These resources can give you an idea of what careers are available and help you find what interests you.

Making Your Decision:

Remember, everyone’s path is different. While listening to advice is helpful, it’s essential to explore and decide for yourself. Opt for a career option that aligns with your strengths and interests, as what matters in the end is your happiness, mental peace, and satisfaction. 

#Step 4 –  Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Financial Challenges:

Seeking Financial Assistance: Scholarships, grants, and part-time jobs are helpful in managing the expenses of further education. Additionally, consider exploring online courses as a cost-effective means to gain valuable skills.

Handling Lack of Family Support:

Open Communication: Engaging in honest conversations with your family about your career aspirations can bridge gaps. If faced with ongoing difficulties, reaching out to school teachers or counsellors for advice and support can be beneficial.

Dealing with Peer Pressure and Societal Expectations:

Choosing What’s Right for You: Prioritise selecting a career that aligns with your interests and strengths, rather than solely conforming to societal expectations. Having a backup plan can ease worries about making the perfect choice.

Seeking Professional Guidance:

Consulting Career Advisors: For all the class 10th students,, consulting with a career advisor is a great option, as they are the expperts who provide tailored guidance that helps you navigate through the confusion, and make informed decisions. 

Developing Essential Skills:

Focusing on Key Abilities: Irrespective of your chosen career, nurturing skills like effective communication, problem-solving, and proficiency in using technology can significantly boost your employability across various professions.

Embracing Problem-Solving:

Handling Challenges Positively: Challenges are part of the journey. By actively finding solutions and overcoming hurdles, you’ll gain valuable experience in making career choices that suit you best.

Remember, facing these obstacles might seem tricky, but with patience and seeking the right guidance, you can confidently pave the way towards a career path that resonates with your passions and abilities.

#Step 5 – Making Informed Decisions

Thorough Research:

Utilising Various Resources: Dive into online platforms, libraries, and career guidance centres to gather comprehensive information about the professions that interest you. These resources offer diverse insights into different careers, their requirements, and growth prospects.

Understanding Job Market Trends:

Assessing Current and Future Job Demand: Investigate the present and future job market to gauge the demand for various professions. This examination aids in understanding job security and growth opportunities across different fields.

Weighing Pros and Cons:

  • Creating Evaluation Lists: Construct lists outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each career option. This structured approach clarifies thoughts and assists in making informed decisions.
  • Considering Long-Term Prospects: Envision the potential career trajectory of each option over extended periods, like 5, 10, or 15 years. This long-term perspective helps in evaluating the sustainability and potential growth of each career choice.

Seeking Advice and Feedback:

Consulting Trusted Sources: Discuss your research findings with reliable mentors, family members, or friends. They might offer unique insights or considerations that broaden your understanding of the chosen career paths.

Planning Ahead:

Taking Action: Once a decision is made, initiate planning for the next steps. This could involve selecting appropriate subjects, exploring educational institutions, or seeking opportunities such as internships relevant to the chosen career path.


Embarking on the journey of choosing career options after 10th grade is both challenging and exciting. It’s a period full of possibilities, exploration, and self-discovery. Feeling confused now is very common and okay! 

What matters most is learning about yourself, exploring options and choosing a career path that matches your talents and interests. Being unsure for some time is normal. Make decisions slowly but thoughtfully.

We hope this guide has guided you to the path ahead and made the task of choosing a career a little less daunting. For more clarity on the career options after the 10th, you can also connect with the experts at IIS Univeristy in Jaipur, as the experienced professionals will be able to guide you better as compared to novices. 

Schedule your appointment with professional career counselors now to know more!

If you have a dream to start your own business then you should these secrets before starting- How To Become an Entrepreneur After 12th?

1. Why do I feel confused about my career after 10th grade?

Sometimes, after the 10th grade, you might not know what job you want to do. It’s because you have many choices, and people expect things from you. But it’s okay to be unsure.

2. How can I figure out what I like for my career?

You can discover what you enjoy by trying different things. Think about what you’re good at and what makes you excited. Look into different jobs and see which ones sound interesting to you.

3. Is it okay to ask for help in choosing my career?

Yes, it’s great to ask for help. Your parents, teachers, and career counselors are there to help you. They can talk to you about what you’re thinking and give you good advice. There are also many places to get advice on choosing a career.

4. What should I do when I face problems in picking a career?

Facing challenges is a normal part of choosing a career. You should learn how to deal with these challenges. Sometimes, it’s fine to make mistakes because they can help you succeed.

5. Why is knowledge important when picking a career?

Knowledge is like your best friend when picking a job. You should learn about different jobs and how to get trained for them. You can also talk to people who work in the jobs you like. The more you know, the better choices you can make.

6. Is it normal to feel uncertain about my career path?

Yes, it’s totally normal to feel unsure about what you want to do for a job. Many people go through this. It’s okay to take your time and make decisions when you’re ready.

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