Best High-Paying Career Options After 12th Arts

career options after 12th arts with high salary

Are you passionate about Arts and uncertain about what comes next after completing 12th grade?

You’ll be surprised by the vast range of career opportunities waiting for Arts students! From pursuing careers in writing, painting, and history to exploring opportunities in media and much more!

This guide explores the 8 best career options after 12th arts with high salary.

Top 8 Career Options After 12th Arts with High Salary

IIS University values the potential of Arts and offers specialized courses to help you turn your passion for Arts into a fulfilling career. Our goal is to support you in finding your ideal job and laying the groundwork for a successful future in the Arts. 

Let’s dive into the Best Career Options After 12th Arts with High Salary, and find out which suits best to your interests and preferences! 

#Option 1 – B.A. (Bachelor of Arts)

B.A. degree is a versatile program that offers a broad spectrum of specializations. It is an excellent choice after 12th Arts due to its diverse subjects, including Literature, History, Sociology, Political Science, Psychology, and more. This diversity enables students to explore their interests and build expertise in various fields.

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  • Career Prospects and Job Roles: The B.A. curriculum equips students with critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills. Graduates can venture into journalism, content writing, teaching, social work, public relations, administrative services, or cultural management. The degree also prepares individuals for roles in government, NGOs, media houses, and educational institutions.
  • Salary Potential: Entry-level salaries may vary across professions, but with experience and expertise, B.A. graduates can earn competitive remuneration. Media professionals, educators, and those in administrative roles often see their salaries grow steadily with time and expertise.
  • Adaptability to New-Age Courses: The foundational skills acquired during a B.A. are adaptable to emerging industries and new-age courses. These skills are transferrable, making B.A. graduates suitable candidates for roles in digital marketing, content creation, UX/UI design, data analysis, and more with additional training or certifications.
  • Future-Proofing Careers: Not only does a B.A. open doors to immediate job opportunities, but it also acts as a springboard for further studies. Graduates can pursue advanced degrees like M.A., M.Phil., or specialized certifications, enhancing career prospects or paving the way for entrepreneurial ventures.

Choosing a B.A. after 12th Arts unveils a plethora of career options and serves as a solid foundation for both immediate job prospects and future educational pursuits, making it a highly favorable option for aspiring individuals who have completed their 12th with arts. 

#Option 2 – B.A. Hons. (Bachelor of Arts-Honours)

B.A. Hons. is like an advanced version of the regular B.A. It’s special because it lets you focus deeply on a subject you love, like History, English Literature, or Economics. Choosing this after 12th Arts lets you explore your interests deeply and become an expert.

  • Career Opportunities: Studying B.A. Hons. sharpens your thinking and research skills. It helps you work in fields like teaching, research, media, or even government jobs. You can become a teacher, journalist, researcher, economist, or consultant.
  • Money Matters: With B.A. Hons., you might start with a better salary than someone with a regular B.A. As you gain more experience, your earning potential grows even more.
  • Opening New Doors: This course isn’t just about immediate jobs; it sets you up for further studies or modern careers. Think digital humanities, cultural studies, or policy analysis. It’s like building a strong foundation for your future career path.
  • Future Goals: Choosing B.A. Hons. isn’t just about now; it’s about preparing for tomorrow too. It helps if you want to study more, like getting a Master’s or Ph.D. or diving into professional courses. It’s like making sure your options for the future stay wide open.

B.A. Hons. after 12th Arts dives deep into subjects, makes you more employable, and gets you ready for a journey full of learning and growth.

#Option 3 – B.A. (Research)

A B.A. in Research offers a fascinating journey where you learn about various subjects such as literature, history, psychology, and more. It’s like exploring different worlds of information in one course!

  • Career Prospects: Once you finish this degree, numerous opportunities await you. You can work in research centers or join think tanks where creative and innovative ideas take shape. Teaching at colleges is also an option, allowing you to share your wealth of knowledge.
  • Financial Aspects: Jobs in research often come with good pay, especially if you engage in significant projects or work for esteemed organizations.
  • Adaptability in Modern Fields: This course equips you with adaptable skills relevant to today’s world. You learn how to study data, analyze trends, and understand human behavior, providing a strong base for various career options.
  • Future Endeavours: Beyond immediate employment, this degree opens doors for further studies, research opportunities, consultancy roles, or even embarking on entrepreneurial ventures based on innovative ideas.

More than just grabbing the details, this course is more about understanding, learning, and exploring, setting a pathway that leads to knowledge and expertise and a journey to intellectual growth and exploration. 

#Option 4 – B.A. Hons. (Research)

B.A. Hons. (Research) is an advanced version of the B.A. degree, focusing deeply on one subject you’re passionate about. You can immerse yourself in subjects like Literature, History, Economics, Political Science, or others, exploring them extensively.

  • Career Prospects: This course sharpens critical thinking, research, and analytical skills, preparing you for diverse career paths. Graduates can venture into academia, research, civil services, media, or creative industries, working as scholars, educators, journalists, research analysts, economists, or consultants.
  • Earnings and Growth: With an Hons. degree, initial salaries tend to be better compared to traditional B.A. degrees. As you accumulate expertise and experience, your earning potential grows significantly.
  • Adaptable for Tomorrow: B.A. Hons. acts as a stepping stone for specializations or higher studies in emerging fields such as digital humanities, cultural studies, policy analysis, and other interdisciplinary areas.
  • Path to the Future: Opting for B.A. Hons. doesn’t just offer immediate job opportunities but also sets the stage for advanced studies like M.A., Ph.D., or professional courses. It prepares you for a dynamic career while laying a robust foundation for continuous learning and growth.

#Option 5 – B.A. Journalism & Mass Communication

B.A. Journalism & Mass Communication focus on refining communication, media, and storytelling skills. It covers aspects of journalism, broadcasting, advertising, public relations, and digital media.

  • Why It’s Special: This programme offers hands-on training in news reporting, writing, editing, and media production, teaching about storytelling, ethical reporting, media management, and communication strategies in the digital era.
  • Career Opportunities: Graduates can explore careers in journalism, broadcasting, advertising, PR agencies, digital media, content creation, and social media management. Job roles include journalists, news reporters, editors, content writers, media researchers, public relations officers, and social media managers.
  • Industry Relevance: The course helps students with the skills required to adapt to evolving media landscapes, and bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. The course also prepared individuals for roles in the communication and media sectors. 
  • Future Prospects: B.A. Journalism and mass Communication open doors to a wide spectrum of professions. It lays the groundwork for students aiming for advanced studies or seeking immediate placements in the dynamic media industry.

#Option 6 – B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts)

B.F.A. is a comprehensive programme that focuses on nurturing creative talent, artistic skills, and aesthetic sensibilities across various mediums such as painting, sculpture, applied arts, visual communication, and multimedia.

  • Why It’s Unique: This degree delves deep into the world of arts, encouraging students to express their creativity. It offers an extensive curriculum covering various art forms, techniques, and art history, fostering individuality and innovation.
  • Career Prospects: Graduates can explore diverse career paths in fine arts, design studios, advertising agencies, animation, publishing houses, galleries, education, and freelance work. Job roles include fine artists, illustrators, graphic designers, art directors, animators, and educators.
  • Industry Relevance: In today’s visually-driven world, B.F.A. graduates bring unique perspectives and innovative ideas to various industries. The course emphasises practical skills, critical thinking, and adaptability in art, which aligns with the demands of contemporary creative sectors.
  • Future Scope: B.F.A. opens avenues for advanced studies, pursuing Master’s degrees in Fine Arts or related fields, or pursuing entrepreneurial ventures in creative domains. It fosters an environment for students to explore their artistic potential while preparing them for a range of artistic career opportunities.

#Option 7 – B.B.A. (Bachelor of Business Administration)

B.B.A. is a three-year degree that dives into understanding how businesses work. It covers things like finance, marketing, managing people, and starting your own business.

  • About the Programme: During B.B.A., you learn a lot about business and how to make good decisions. It mixes what you learn in books with real-life experiences to help you understand how businesses run.
  • Career Paths: After completing this, individuals can apply for opportunities in areas like marketing, finance, managing operations, or helping companies grow. It prepares you for different roles in the business world.
  • Practical Learning: The classes include stories about real businesses and give you chances to work in companies. This helps you understand what you learn in class and apply it in real situations.
  • Future Readiness: After B.B.A., you can continue studying for higher degrees or start working. It teaches you skills that businesses need and helps you become a good leader.

#Option 8 – B.B.A. (Aviation and Tourism Management)

B.B.A. in Aviation and Tourism Management teaches how airlines, airports, and travel companies work. It’s about learning how to run these businesses well.

  • What You’ll Study: You’ll learn about planes, how airports operate, and managing travel-related businesses. It’s like discovering how people travel and the business side of it.
  • Job Opportunities: After finishing this course, you can work at airports, airlines, travel agencies, or even in hotels. It’s all about managing businesses related to travel and tourism.
  • Learning Experience: Classes focus on different kinds of planes, how airports function, and how to provide good service to travelers. You’ll also understand how to manage these types of businesses.
  • Getting Ready for the Future: This programme gets you ready to work in the travel industry. You’ll learn skills like managing people, dealing with customers, and understanding how the travel business operates. It prepares you for a career in aviation or tourism.

Read Also: Exploring the 11 Best Career Options After Graduation


In wrapping up, the courses available after 12th grade, like B.A., B.B.A., B.Sc., and more, offer a variety of career paths. These programs give practical skills and open up lots of job options.

IIS University is one such place offering these courses and many others. They stand out by providing a comprehensive array of educational opportunities, including the mentioned courses and many others. 

With a commitment to quality education and a focus on practical learning, IIS is dedicated to nurturing future professionals. Picking the right course can set you up for a successful career, and IIS ensures you’re ready for whatever comes your way.

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