Constitution Day of India 2024: Celebrating Our Pledge to the Constitution

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Join us in commemorating the Constitution Day of India, a day to honor and reflect upon the values enshrined in our foundational document.

Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas, marks the adoption of the Indian Constitution on November 26, 1949.

History and Significance

On this day, citizens across the nation reaffirm their commitment to the democratic principles of our constitution through a special pledge.

Pledge on Constitution Day

In 2023, the Constitution Day pledge serves as a renewed vow to uphold the integrity, sovereignty, and diversity of our nation.

Constitution Day Pledge 2024

The pledge for Constitution Day is not just a formality; it's a powerful reminder of our duties as citizens of India.

Embracing Our Duties

Schools and educational institutions play a crucial role in spreading awareness about the constitution and its significance.

Educational Initiatives and Awareness

Nationwide events and celebrations mark Constitution Day, with government officials and citizens participating in ceremonies and discussions.

Public Celebrations and Events

As we observe Constitution Day of India in 2024, let us pledge to maintain the democratic ethos and uphold the rights and freedoms guaranteed by our constitution.

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