M.Sc Zoology Scope, Jobs & Salary In India

msc zoology scope

Many positions in India might follow after a Master of Science in Zoology. This advanced degree will let you study animal biology, ecology, and evolution extensively.

It provides individuals with the abilities required for several employment options. In this piece, we’ll talk about the MSc Zoology scope, possible careers, and expected salaries.

With more focus on protecting wildlife and the environment, there will likely be a greater need for biology experts. These things make now an exciting time to work in this field.

11 Scopes in M.Sc Zoology

Those with an M.Sc. in Zoology can find employment in many diverse disciplines. The table below lists eleven well-known professions together with their expected pay scale.

Each of these professions has advantages and challenges; graduates can significantly influence many fields. The best M.Sc in Zoology scope for 2024 are listed below:

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Confused Girl after 12th class
Job RoleSalary (INR per annum)
Zoologist3,00,000 – 6,00,000
Wildlife Biologist3,50,000 – 7,50,000
Environmental Consultant4,00,000 – 8,00,000
Research Scientist4,50,000 – 9,00,000
Conservationist3,50,000 – 7,00,000
Academician/Professor4,00,000 – 10,00,000
Forensic Expert3,00,000 – 6,50,000
Veterinary Technologist2,50,000 – 5,50,000
Marine Biologist4,00,000 – 8,50,000
Animal Behaviorist3,00,000 – 6,00,000
Laboratory Technician2,00,000 – 4,50,000

Now, let’s take a look at the job profiles in detail:

1. Zoologist:

A biologist studies different kinds of animals, including how they act, how their genes work, and how they affect their environments.

A lot of the time, they work in zoos, animal parks, or study centers. Their work helps us learn about animal health, breeding, and protecting wildlife.

Most salaries are between INR 3,00,000 and INR 6,00,000 per year. It depends on how much knowledge they have and the company hiring them.

2. Wildlife Biologist:

Biologists who study wildlife work in the places where animals live naturally.

They do study in the field to learn about wildlife populations and how human activities affect these species. Their work is vital for managing nature and protecting wildlife.

It pays between INR 3,50,000 and INR 7,50,000 a year for this job. You can also make more money by working for the government or a foreign group.

3. Environmental Consultant:

Environmental consultants help people handle problems with the environment. There is more reason to follow environmental rules when they are there.

They work for private companies, non-profits, and the government. They come up with plans for eco-friendly practices and long-lasting habits.

Environmental experts make between INR 4,00,000 and INR 8,00,000 a year. It shows how environmental management is becoming more critical in many areas.

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4. Research Scientist:

Research scientists in zoology do studies and tests to gather more scientific information about animals. For example, they work in government agencies, study centers, and colleges.

They usually focus on topics like biology, the environment, or how animals act. The average pay for a research worker is between INR 4,50,000 and INR 9,00,000.

There is also the chance of making more money through grants and funded projects.

5. Conservationist:

Conservationists work to keep nature areas and species that are in danger safe. They restore habitats, push for better policies, and teach people about wildlife.

Their work is vital for protecting species and ensuring environments can last. Environmentalists make between INR 3,50,000 and INR 7,00,000 a year.

You can also work with well-known environmental groups and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

6. Academician/Professor:

Professors and academicians teach biology at schools and universities, do research, and write academic papers.

They play an essential part in training the next generation of zoologists and improving the field through research.

Salary salaries can vary between INR 4,00,000 and INR 10,00,000 per year, depending on experience and institution.

Some teachers and experts who are seniors may make even more money.

Read Also: MSc Microbiology Scope and Career opportunities in India

7. Forensic Expert:

Zoology-trained forensic experts help with crime investigations by looking at proof that has to do with animals. Their clients include police departments and investigative labs.

They give clues that can be very important for solving crimes. Experts in forensics make between INR 3,00,000 and INR 6,00,000 a year. Consulting and testifying as an expert can bring in extra money.

8. Veterinary Technologist:

The job of a veterinary scientist is to help vets diagnose and treat animals. They do tests in the lab, give animals medicine, and care for them in general.

They are essential in ensuring that animals in zoos, research centers, and veterinarian offices stay healthy and happy. They make between INR 2,50,000 and INR 5,50,000 a year.

There are also ways for them to move up by getting more training and experience.

9. Marine Biologist:

Marine biologists study communities in the water and the living things that live in them. They research marine life, how to protect it, and how people’s actions affect marine settings.

Their work is vital for understanding marine species and keeping them safe.

Marine scientists make between INR 4,00,000 and INR 8,00,000 a year. Grants for research and foreign partnerships can lead to higher pay.

10. Animal Behaviorist:

Animal behaviorists study how animals act to figure out how they connect, form groups, and react to different things.

Animal research labs, zoos, and places that teach animals are familiar places where they work.

Their ideas can help make teaching and animal care programs better. An animal behaviorist makes between INR 3,000,000 and INR 6,000,000 a year.

In specific consulting jobs, you might be able to make more money.

11. Laboratory Technician:

Zoology lab technicians help with scientific research by setting up experiments, gathering data, and keeping lab tools in good shape.

Their job is essential for ensuring that research results are correct and trustworthy. Most salaries are between INR 2,00,000 and INR 4,00,000 per year.

There are ways for them to move up by getting more knowledge and training.


If you want a career in zoology, picking the right college is very important.

The IIS University is the best girls university in India to get an M.Sc. in Zoology.

IIS is a great place for students to do well in college and advance in their jobs because it has modern facilities, a well-known staff, and many chances to do research.

The IIS University puts a lot of stress on research and new ideas, which helps prepare graduates for the wide range of zoology-related jobs that are out there.

IIS’s focus on joint studies and partnerships with foreign research groups improve the learning experience.

It is the best option for budding zoologists who want to get the most out of their M.Sc Zoology scope and job opportunities.

Q1. Does M.Sc Zoology have scope?

The M.Sc Zoology scope is extensive and varied, yes. It has a lot of job openings in research, conservation, teaching, and many applied sciences. Graduates can work as zoologists, wildlife scientists, environmental experts, and many other jobs. As protection and environmental problems get more attention worldwide, skilled zoologists will be needed.

Q2. Is M.Sc. in Zoology a good career?

Of course. An M.Sc. in Zoology can help you find a job you love and make a difference. More and more people are looking for workers who know much about animal biology and protection. This makes it a bright area with lots of chances to move up and become more specialized. Environmental sustainability and wildlife protection are becoming increasingly important worldwide, and zoologists play a key part in solving these problems.

Q3. What is the highest salary after M.Sc Zoology?

With an M.Sc. in Zoology, you can make as much as INR 10,00,000 a year. This is especially true for education, research, and specialty consulting jobs. People with more experience and leading jobs may make even more money. Apply for jobs in foreign groups, government agencies, and top research institutions for the best pay.

Q4. Can I do MBBS after M.Sc Zoology?

You can get an MBBS after getting an M.Sc. in Zoology, but you must meet the requirements and pass the tests to get into medical school. Going from studying animals to medicine requires much more study and training. However, the basic skills you learn in an M.Sc. in Zoology can help you understand medical ideas, especially in areas like veterinary medicine and animal health.

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