21 Best Job Opportunities After BA Economics

ba economics job opportunities

A Bachelor of Arts in Economics is a flexible degree that can lead to many different jobs.

People who get a BA in Economics learn a lot about economic ideas and how to think critically about them. They gain skills in applying these concepts in many types of employment environments.

As we enter 2024, the demand for those with business experience only increases. 21 Best BA Economics job opportunities will be covered in this article. It will give you an idea of how much they make on average in India.

Check out the next few paragraphs to learn about some exciting jobs you can get with this degree.

21 Best Job Opportunities After BA Economics

Getting a BA in economics opens up a lot of different job opportunities.

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Here are 21 of the best BA Economics job opportunities and salary ranges in India:

Job ProfileAverage Salary in India (INR/PA)
Financial Analyst5,50,000
Data Analyst4,50,000
Investment Banker9,00,000
Policy Analyst6,00,000
Market Research Analyst4,00,000
Actuarial Analyst7,50,000
Economic Consultant8,00,000
Research Analyst5,00,000
Business Reporter4,00,000
Operations Manager6,50,000
Risk Analyst5,50,000
Credit Analyst4,00,000
Public Relations Specialist4,50,000
Urban Planner5,00,000
Financial Planner5,50,000
Management Consultant8,00,000
Trade Analyst4,50,000

Now let us discuss each of these after BA Economics job opportunities in detail:

1. Economist:

Economists are in high demand because they can look at economic problems and give advice on how to run the economy.

They work in the government, in schools, and for private companies, among other places. Generally, someone with a BA in economics makes around INR 7,00,000 a year.

It is one of the best BA Economics job opportunities that you can find.

2. Financial Analyst:

Financial experts look at business facts to help them make wise investment choices. A lot of the time, they work for banks, insurance companies, and finance businesses.

About INR 5,50,000 a year is what a financial expert in India makes on average. This job is an excellent example of a job that you could get with a BA in economics and how much you could make.

3. Data Analyst:

Data analysts’ job is to make sense of data and give businesses information that helps them make decisions.

In today’s data-driven world, this job is essential, and the average salary for someone in it is INR 4,50,000 per year.

After getting a BA in economics, people are eager to find jobs in data analysis.

4. Investment Banker:

Investment bankers help businesses get money and give them tips on making mergers and deals work best.

This job is very stressful, but the pay is good—about INR 9,00,000 a year on average.

Due to its high earning potential, investment banking is one of the best BA Economics job opportunities.

5. Policy Analyst:

Policy analysts look into policies and make suggestions to government bodies, think tanks, and non-profits based on what they find.

They are essential in making decisions about public affairs and make an average of INR 6,00,000 a year.

6. Market Research Analyst:

Market research experts determine how the market is doing to determine how well a product or service might sell.

Business people use them to find out what goods people want, who will buy them, and how much they will pay.

This job pays an average of INR 4,00,000 a year. In terms of BA Economics job opportunities, this is another excellent choice.

7. Actuarial Analyst:

Actuarial experts look at how much risk and uncertainty cost in terms of money using math, statistics, and financial theory.

They usually work for insurance companies and make an average of INR 7,50,000 a year. Job opportunities after BA Economics include actuarial analysis, which pays well.

8. Economic Consultant:

Businesses and the government hire economic advisers to give them expert help on economic issues. They do studies, write reports, and suggest ways to fix economic issues.

For every year worked, an economic expert makes about INR 8,00,000. It is a job that people want after getting their BA in economics.

9. Research Analyst:

Research experts gather and look over data to help businesses make intelligent choices. They work in many fields, such as healthcare, business, banking, etc.

They can make an average of INR 5,00,000 a year. This role is an excellent example of BA Economics job opportunities and salary range.

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10. Business Reporter:

Business writers work for news organizations and report on stories about money, markets, and the economy. They look at economic trends and give advice.

On average, they make INR 4,00,000 a year. One of the few job opportunities after BA Economics is this one.

11. Operations Manager:

Management of operations is in charge of making things and providing services. Their job is to make sure that the business runs smoothly and efficiently.

On average, they make INR 6,50,000 a year. Another excellent illustration of BA Economics job opportunities is this one.

12. Risk Analyst:

Risk experts look at the possible losses in money and come up with ways to lower those losses.

They make an average of INR 5,50,000 a year working for banks, insurance companies, and finance businesses.

This work exemplifies the wide range of job opportunities after BA Economics.

13. Credit Analyst:

Credit experts check to see if people and companies are creditworthy. They make an average of INR 4,00,000 a year working for banks, credit rating agencies, and finance companies.

One of the promising BA Economics job opportunities is credit analysis.

14. Statistician:

Statistics helps people in business, engineering, healthcare, and other fields solve problems that happen in the real world. Statisticians use mathematical methods to gather and study data.

In India, the average pay for a researcher is around INR 6,00,000 per year. Among the technical job opportunities after BA Economics is this one.

15. Professor/Lecturer:

If you have a BA in economics, you can become a professor and teach economics at schools and universities.

The average pay for a professor or speaker is INR 5,00,000 per year. One of the most satisfying BA Economics job opportunities in academia is this one.

16. Public Relations Specialist:

For businesses and people, public relations experts are in charge of how they appear to the public. They write press releases, develop social media plans, and handle contact problems.

It pays about INR 4,50,000 a year to do this job. After getting a BA in economics, this is another exciting job possible.

17. Urban Planner:

Urban planners plan and project how land should be used in cities. They help build neighborhoods, make room for more people, and bring old buildings back to life.

In India, the average pay for an urban planner is INR 5,00,000 per year.

18. Demographer:

Demographers study population changes, like births, relocation, and getting older. They work for non-profits, study centers, and the government.

The average amount they make a year is INR 6,00,000. After getting a BA in economics, this is another niche job you can get.

19. Financial Planner:

Financial managers help people and businesses plan how to reach their financial goals. They help with things like insurance, investing, and planning for retirement.

The average income for these people is INR 5,50,000 per year. The practical BA Economics job opportunities include financial planning.

20. Management Consultant:

Management experts look at problems in an organization and devise ways to improve things. It helps the organization do better.

They work in different fields and make an average of INR 8,00,000 annually. The most exciting job opportunities after BA Economics include management consulting.

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21. Trade Analyst:

Trade experts look at trade and business data and determine what it means. They inform us about the economy, trade strategies, and market trends.

In India, a trade expert makes an average of INR 4,50,000 annually. One of the attractive BA Economics job opportunities is trade analysis.

Why You Should Choose IIS University:

Picking the right college/university is very important to get the best BA Economics job opportunities.

IIS University (Best Girls University in India) stands out as a top university with a broad economics program that is useful to the job market.

IIS University helps its students get ready for great jobs. You will get the skills and information you need to do well in a competitive job market if you participate in IISU’s BA Economics program.

Q1. What job will I get after my BA in Economics?

You can apply for any of the above jobs after finishing your BA in Economics. What kind of job you get will depend on your hobbies, skills, and other qualifications.

Q2. Is BA Economics suitable for a job?

It is possible to get a job with a BA in Economics. It gives you a solid background in economics and helps you become good at analyzing things.

Q3. Is economics a promising career?

Economics is an excellent field because it offers many job options and good pay. People who have studied economics are in high demand because they can look at large amounts of data and figure out what they mean.

Q4. Is a BA in Economics applicable?

A BA in economics is beneficial because it teaches students how to think critically, analyze, and solve problems. The degree also makes it possible to study more and become an expert in a particular area.

Q5. Do economists have a future?

Yes, there is a bright future for economics. The world economy is getting more complicated, so skilled experts will always be needed.

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